Memory Machines ~ Máquinas del Recuerdo
Date and time is TBD
|Miami Beach
A nostalgic musical journey with some of the most beloved classical selections. To wade the waters to the past and back, the attentive guides Sandra López and Daniel Daroca will be on hand. / Un nostálgico viaje musical con Sandra López y Daniel Daroca.

Horario y ubicación
Date and time is TBD
Miami Beach
Acerca del evento
“le souvenir des choses passées n’est pas nécessairement
le souvenir des choses telles qu’elles étaient”
Old typewriters, photo albums, a grandmother's piano- Memory Machines.
The artists take the audience on a journey in which everyday objects and musical selections take us back to the past.
Sandra López and Daniel Daroca take the audience on a journey in which everyday objects and musical selections take us back to the past.
General Admission
1,00 US$General Admission
0,00 US$